Ah, I did it! Anyway, the challenge is to choose 12 books that have been gathering dust on your to-be-read pile and read them in 2007. That averages out to one a month, which shouldn't be too overwhelming, right? Right.
The problem for me being, of course, that I am super-moody in my reading, so of course if I list books out so long ahead of time, my mind will rebel against me and decide not to be interested in any of the twelve books I've given myself to read next year. So I also gave myself four back-up options. But really, these are ALL books I need to scratch off the TBR list, so it will be good if I succeed here!
My booklist is:
1. Passion, by Jude Morgan 2. Path Between the Seas, by David McCullough 3. The White Mare, by Jules Watson 4. In a Dark Wood Wandering, by Hella Hesse 5. All Things are Lights, by Robert Shea 6. White Mughals: Love and Betrayal in 18th Century India, by William Dalrymple 7. Ursula, Under, by Ingrid Hill 8. A to-be-determined mystery by Georgette Heyer -DONE
(review here) 9. The Skystone, by Jack Whyte 10. To Dance With Kings, by Rosalind Laker 11. Bridge of Birds, by Barry Hughart 12. Firebrand, by Marion Zimmer Bradley The Back-up Possibilities: Shadows and Strongholds, by Elizabeth Chadwick Princesses: The Six Daughters of George III, by Flora Fraser Hawk of May, by Gillian Bradshaw The Devil in Music, by Kate Ross
Just a fun edit, here on January 14, 2010:
The only book I cheerfully listed above that I have read to date
is Bridge of Birds. YIKES. I also finished a Georgette Heyer
mystery (or a few of them, really!). But that's it.
In over two years.
Clearly, I am no good at these challenges!
Hilarious. Glad to know I'm not the only person who has books on their TBR for 2, 3, or 5+ years....