In for a penny, in for a pound, huh? I already joined Swapna's Clear Off Your Shelves challenge for October and November, with the somewhat ridiculous goal of reading 50% "old TBR" books in that two-month period. One of the books that has been gathering dust on my shelf for a very long time is The Bone People, by Keri Hulme. It's a NZ book that my good friend Gaurav got me before I left on my trip to New Zealand. Er, about two and a half years ago. So... I should really get cracking on reading it!
Enter Maree of just add books..., who is conveniently (and fatefully?) leading the New Zealand Book Month Challenge! Just read one book, watch one movie or discover one Kiwi band and you're all set!
Those who know me (as in, have met me in person- probably not in book blogosphere world, as sadly the topic does not come up as often) is aware of my gushing, complete love for the country of New Zealand. I was lucky enough to live and work in Auckland for ten weeks, between April and June of 2007, and then to travel around the country afterwards for a few weeks. It is the most beautiful, gorgeous place I've ever been. I have never had more fun in my life; I met wonderful people, made great friends and memorized the lyrics to the song "Why Does Love Do This to Me?" by The Exponents. Best. Bar song. EVER.
I am certain that New Zealand will always have a very special place in my heart and memory. And for such a small place, it has such a thriving and fabulous cultural history, and so much pride. I loved traveling there, and if I didn't have about twelve Picasa albums full of pictures of my trip, I'd be sure to put them all up here and bore you with them. Instead, though, I'll just join Maree's challenge, and reminisce about the best three months of my life :-) If you'd like to join the challenge, visit her blog and leave a comment!
On another note, Eva's fantastic post on cheerleading during the 24-Hour Read-a-thon inspired me to sign up for that as well. Dewey's Read-a-thon takes place on October 24th this year, and while I am hosting a dinner party that evening and won't be able to participate whole hog, I can at least e-stalk you all. If you would like to participate in the Read-a-Thon, go here.
I. too, have a copy of The Bone People on my shelves, but haven't yet read it. Maybe I should join the challenge too. I have never really been involved in any challenges, but this year I have seen 2 or 3 that have caught my fancy.
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this? Why Does Love Do This To Me? was played all the time in nightclubs when I was at university. It IS a great night-out song. I haven't read The Bone People, but it keeps cropping up on people's lists, so clearly I'm missing something very special. Yay! :D
ReplyDeleteI shall send you jaffas.