Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nymeth's Mini-Challenge

I have yet to participate in any mini-challenges for the Read-A-Thon, mostly because I seem to be completely ADD today. I have these rushes of energy to cheer other people on (the bones in my hands are quite tired!), and then I get exhausted and relapse into reading. For like, ten minutes. Then I start getting hungry. Then I go to fix myself a snack. Then I can't get back into a comfortable position, so I decide to see if anyone has Tweeted me (no one really ever does, mostly because I am still not sure I "get" Twitter). Then I kind of snicker to myself because Tweeted is a fun word.

I recently finished my first book, and now I'm not sure what to read next. My pile of books was chosen solely because they are young adult-type books with large text. So of course, now I have no desire to read a young adult book with large text. And I hoped to get a good start on books that I had had sitting on my TBR pile for a while. And so, of course, none of those appeal to me. Honestly, I'm my own worst enemy.

So then I saw Ana's post about her mini-challenge which is basically to go online and read comic strips. Apparently, comic strips appeal to me much more than books at the moment, since I leaped at the chance. I chose to read Unshelved, which Ana describes, "It's set in a library, and the protagonist is a deliciously sarcastic comic book and fantasy loving YA librarian."

Well, if I can't get myself to actually read a young adult fantasy, then maybe a snarky librarian can motivate me to do so! So I went and was delighted to see this strip in the archives, all about Pride & Prejudice and how fabulous a book it is! It made me smile.

I have never really read web comics and to be honest, I don't think I'll really follow any along very closely. But I really like Unshelved, and I can see myself going there randomly sometimes and gorging on the archives. Especially if they reference Jane Austen more often.

Thanks, Ana, for the heads up and happy reading, everyone!


  1. I'm feeling very ADD myself today, so I totally sympathize! I'm glad you enjoyed Unshelved, and thank you for participating :D

  2. I tweeted at you! LOL!

  3. I'm not a Twitterer either!

  4. You're doing great! Happy reading. :)

    And thanks for stopping by to cheer me on.

  5. Happy Reading AND cheering AND tweeting! :)

  6. You are a star! COmmenting, tweeting and reading! GO go go!

  7. Thanks for stopping by :)

    I pull a 24 hour deal every so often, although at this very moment I am tempted to sleep. lol

  8. I understand distractions, but you're doing a great job. Thanks for stopping by to cheer me on!

  9. ooh there are some great comics online, although my absolute favourite hasn't been updated in over a year.

  10. Hi Aarti, thanks for cheering me up and visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I should have tried comic strips myself, maybe then I would have stayed up longer :)


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